The Voice of the West Midlands Tech Sector.

Welcome to the UK’s Fastest Growing Tech Sector.

Discover the heartbeat of innovation in the West Midlands tech sector!
Nestled at the crossroads of tradition and technology, our region thrives on a dynamic ecosystem where groundbreaking ideas come to life.
With a robust infrastructure, strategic connectivity, and a diverse talent pool, we are not just building the future; we're defining it.
Join a community of visionary entrepreneurs, tech titans, and forward-thinking collaborators, backed by significant investment and a commitment to digital excellence.
The West Midlands tech sector:
Where Innovation Meets Opportunity, and the Future Unfolds.


Tech businesses in the region.


total value of tech startups in the region


working in the West Midlands tech sector
A bull with iconic west midlands buildings in the background. Sign that reads "West Midlands, welcome to the future" pointing to the buildings.

The West Midlands: Making Tech Succeed, In The Most Human Of Places

Every day we’re making exciting tech that works for people and drives positive change. Together, we’re making great progress in establishing the West Midlands tech sector globally, creating digital jobs, start-ups, and scale-ups that attract talent, increase investment, open up funding opportunities, and drive greater economic impact. But there is more to be done. Let's bring the West Midlands tech ecosystem together to explore our past, present, and future, to create one story that can speak to investors, governments, institutions, businesses, and individuals.

What's In It For You?

I’m a Tech Business
I'm Looking to Support
Discover how the West Midlands tech sector can benefit your business.
User icons coming out of a tablet screen

Tech Connect Platform

A smart platform to help navigate the ecosystem effectively
Digital globe with a line showcasing different locations, with a location icon on one of them

Tech Connect Support

An initiative to help businesses scale and go global
A spotlight on a heart, thumbs up and hashtag icon

Tech Showcase

A marketing vehicle (website, social, PR) to promote tech businesses and the ecosystem
Multiple group of users icons surrounding a settings cog icon

Special Interest Groups

Events and working groups to educate businesses and set plans for the region in areas such as AI, Cyber, Diversity…
A person looking at a calendar

Birmingham Tech Week

Be a part of the UK’s largest regional tech festival designed to promote, educate, and inspire
5 stars and bars going upwards in scale with an arrow showing the trajectory.

WM Tech & Digital Strategy

A strategy to grow the digital economy and establish the region as a global tech hub

Hear from the tech businesses...

Witness how businesses are thriving in the West Midlands Tech Sector.

Brilliant support and honest advice, TechWM has enabled our tech business to grow and ensure we can aim to scale in the future. The team have informative insights, both into what will help your business grow and also what common pitfalls often stunt start ups.

Ronan Hynes | Co-Founder, Voilo

TechWM has helped us in ways we could've never imagined. Through their initiatives, partner activity and connections they have helped us shape our strategy, vision, and brought clarity to our thinking. All of this has helped further raise our profile on the global stage.

Chris Woods | CEO, CyberQ Group

TechWM has played an important part in the growth of the West Midlands tech sector. It has successfully brought like-minded people together to work with partners to further develop the sector and the region.

Julian David | CEO, techUK
2 people facing each other with one of their hands up, about to touch the other persons hand. Upside-down triangle light in the background